This dashboard shows the annual active headcount percentages for various personnel groups by unit, school, or university-wide; race/ethnicity1; and gender2. The butterfly chart shows women’s percentages (left) vs. men’s percentages (right). One or more years can be selected for comparison.
1. Race and ethnicity refer to different types of categorizations. "Race" refers to socially constructed divisions of humanity to create hierarchies and is inextricably linked to histories of oppression, enslavement, conquest, and genocides. "Ethnicity" refers to self-defined and shared groupings based in cultural origins and expressions, including ancestry, language, region, migration, foodways, literature, and music (Diversity Style Guide; University of Maryland, College Park Editorial Style Guidelines; California State University Diversity/Inclusivity Style Guide; Flanagin, Frey, & Christiansen, 2021)
2. UMB recognizes gender diversity beyond binary genders. Employee gender identity reported in our HR systems is derived from government-issued documentation and populated in PeopleSoft from this data; it is not self-reported. Future work will involve aligning collected and reported employee gender identities with actual gender identities.